الأحد، 7 يونيو 2015

كتاب: العبادات في الديانات القديمة المصرية العراقية الرومانية الهندوسية البوذية الصينية الزرادشتية الصابئية

كتاب: العبادات في الديانات القديمة المصرية العراقية الرومانية الهندوسية البوذية الصينية الزرادشتية الصابئية
تأليف: عبد الرزاق رحيم صلال الموحي
الناشر: صفحات للدراسات والنشر
الطبعة: الثانية 2007 م
عدد الصفحات: 108

الحجم: 1.6 MB -

لتحميل و المطالعة

كتاب: اليزيديون واصولهم الدينية ومعابدهم والاديرة المسيحية في كردستان العراق

كتاب: اليزيديون واصولهم الدينية ومعابدهم والاديرة المسيحية في كردستان العراق

تأليف: المستشرق الفرنسي توماس بوا

ترجمة: سعاد محمد خضر

الناشر: المركز الاكاديمي للابحاث

الطبعة: الثانية 2013م

عدد الصفحات: 190

الحجم: 2.4 MB -

التحميل و المطالعة

السبت، 30 مايو 2015

كتاب: جذور الارهاب في العقيدة الوهابية

كتاب: جذور الارهاب في العقيدة الوهابية

كتاب: جذور الارهاب في العقيدة الوهابية
تأليف: الدكتور احمد محمود صبحي
اشراف: السيد والي الزاملي
الناشر: دار النصر
الحجم: 4.8
 التحميل والمطالعة

كتاب: الوهابية في الميزان

كتاب: الوهابية في الميزان

كتاب يظهر ان فكر الوهابية أدعياء السلفية هو نفس فكر الخوارج

 حول خارافات مؤسس الوهابية ولمحة من حياته 


العلامة المحقق جعفر السبحاني 

الناشر: دار الصديق الاكبر 

الحجم: 7.5 M 

التحميل والمطالعة

الجمعة، 29 مايو 2015

Sex For Sale

Sex For Sale 
Ronald Weitzer
This groundbreaking collection of essays on the sex industry contains original studies on sex work, its risks and benefits, and its political implications. Sex for Sale covers areas not commonly researched, including gay and lesbian pornography, telephone sex workers, customers of prostitutes, male and female escorts who work independently, street prostitution, sex tourism, legal prostitution, and strip clubs that cater to women.

Search and Destroy

Search and Destroy 
Jerome G. Miller  
An exploration into the criminal justice system in America today and its impact on young African American males, this book challenges the linking of crime and race and the conservative anti-welfare, hard-on-crime agenda. Jerry Miller has spent a lifetime studying and challenging our criminal justice system. He has worked to make it more progressive and more just. He has watched as it turned into a system of segregation and control for many Americans of color. That is the story told here in devastating detail. In this new edition, the author re-evaluates his original theses and places the book's predictions in a contemporary political context. The new edition includes new chapters as well as a new prologue and epilogue. 

Girls in Power

Girls in Power 

 Laura Fingerson 

 Girls in Power offers a fascinating and unique look at the social aspects of menstruation in the lives of adolescent girls—and also in the lives of adolescent boys. Although there has been much research on other aspects of gender and the body, this is one of the few books to examine menstruation and the first to explore how it plays a part in power interactions between boys and girls. Talking openly in single- and mixed-gender settings, individuals and groups of high school–age girls and boys share their interpretations and experiences of menstruation. Author Laura Fingerson reveals that while teens have negative feelings about menstruation, teen girls use their experiences of menstruation as a source of embodied power in their interactions with other girls and with boys. She also explores how boys deal with their own reduced power. The book extends our theoretical and analytical understanding of youth, gender, power, and embodiment by providing a more balanced view of adolescent social life. 


Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking 

Kimberly A. McCabe  

Global estimates of human trafficking range from 600,000 to four million victims each year with the majority being victims of sex trafficking. This strikingly large range belies the difficulty in gathering, defining, and accountability of sex-trafficking data. Victims of sex trafficking may be forced into pornography, prostitution for the military or militia, spousal prostitution, and prostitution for the sex-tourism industry. In response to the problem of sex trafficking, many nations have either misunderstood the definition or failed to comprehend the magnitude that have occurs within their borders. The United Nations has defined "human trafficking" as "the recruitment, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by threat or use of force." Similarly, the U.S. State Department's Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000 describes severe forms of trafficking as: (a) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age; or (b) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage



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