‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات كمبيوتر Computer. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات كمبيوتر Computer. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الاثنين، 27 يوليو 2015

كتاب شرح برنامج بروشو

كتاب شرح برنامج بروشو

Book explaining the program ProShow

بصيغة .PDF

حجم الكتاب 1.86mb و

باللغة الانجليزية


السبت، 23 مايو 2015

المرجع الكامل للغة السى بلس بلس C ++

اعداد الطالب

اوس  محمد حميد الخزرجى

عن الكتاب

ستتمكن من كتابة برامج c++ بسيطة  - واستخدام عبارات الدخال والاخراج - وستتعرف على انواع البيانات فى لغة السى بلس بلس
استعمال العوامل الحسابية - العوامل العلائقية -
 لغة برمجة متعددة الاستخدام، وتعتبر لغة برمجة كائنية. يعتبرها الكثيرون اللغة الأفضل لتصميم التطبيقات ذات الواجهة الكبيرة وللتعامل مع البنية الصلبة للحاسب،. لغة السي++ من لغات البرمجة العالية المستوى وفي نفس الوقت قريبة من لغة التجميع (بالإنجليزية: Assembly‏) ذات المستوى المنخفض، كما أنها تعد لغة برمجة إجرائية (يمكن كتابة برنامج يحتوي على إجراءات وتوابع فقط) كما تعد لغة غرضية التوجه (البرنامج المكتوب عبارة عن أصناف وتستخدم الخواص المتاحة من كبسلة وتعددية الأشكال والوراثة والتركيب).

كتاب شبكات الكمبيوتر من البداية وحتى الاحتراف

شبكات الكمبيوتر  من البداية وحتى الاحتراف

م/ محمد عبدالقادر محمد عمر

محتويات الكتاب 

Computer Networking
 Chapter 1 : Introduction to Networking 
 Chapter 2 : Network Architecture
 Chapter 3 : The OSI Network Model
Chapter 4 : Network Devices
Chapter 5 : Network Protocols
Chapter 6 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
Chapter 7 : Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Chapter 8 : Dictionary of the Networks


كتاب اساليب البرمجة بلغة السى بلس بلس

اساليب البرمجة بلغة  السى بلس بلس

محتويات الكتاب  :

الفصل الاول  اساسيات البرمجة بلغة سى ++  
الرموز - الاعداد - الكلمات المحجوزة - المعرفات - المتغيرات - التعليقات
الفصل الثانى  قنوات ادخال واخراج البيانات
شكل البرنامج - قنوات الادخال والاخراج - هذف قناة الاخراج - تشكيل المدخلات والمخرجات - رايات التشكيل  -.....
الفصل الثالت  الحمل والمؤثرات  
التعبيرات - الثوابت - الجمل - المؤثرات الحسابية والعلائقية و المركبة - الدوال الرياضية ....
الفصل الرابع  جمل الاختيارات
المؤثر الشرطى  - جملة اذا المتداحلة  .......
الفصل الخامس  جمل التكرار والتفرعات 
جملة بينما - جمله افعل -.......
الفصل السادس  دوال معالجة  الحرفيات
دوال معالجة الحروف  - دوال اختبار الحرف .- ........
الفصل  السابع  الدوال
الماكرو - الدوال الخطية  ......
الفصل الثامن  مؤثرات التعامل مع البت 
الانظمة العددية - المؤثرات المنطقية - ....
الفصل التاسع  المصفوقات
المصفوقات  ذات البعد الواحد - المصفوفات البعدين - القيم الابتدائية
الفصل العاشر   المؤشرات   
 الاعلان عن المؤشر - المؤشرات والدوال
الفصل الحادى عشر  تراكيب البيانات 
الاتحاد  - تراكيب البيانات .....
الفصل الثانى عشر  معالجة  الملفات
الملفات النصية - الملفات الثنائية  -.....
الفصل الثالث عشر  الفصائل
اعلان الفصيلة - انماط  دوال  النص -.


الاثنين، 18 مايو 2015

Linux Socket Programming by Example

Linux Socket Programming by Example

Warren W. Gay

Linux Socket Programming by Example begins with a very basic introduction to the fundamentals of socket level programming. As the chapters progress, you are introduced to related concepts, such as forming network addresses, Ipv6, the TCP/IP protocol suite and options, writing servers, and creating secure applications. You will also learn about socket fundamentals, domains and addresses, address conversion functions, socket types and protocols, Internet sockets, types and protocols, binding an address to a socket, using Datagram oriented protocols, and much more.  


Software Testing Foundations

Software Testing Foundations
 A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam

Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz
 Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has developed a universally accepted, international qualification scheme aimed at software and system testing professionals, and has created the Syllabi and Tests for the "Certified Tester." Today about 300,000 people have taken the ISTQB certification exams.


Android Hackers Handbook

Android Hackers Handbook 

Joshua J. Drake  

 The first comprehensive guide to discovering and preventing attacks on the Android OS
As the Android operating system continues to increase its share of the smartphone market, smartphone hacking remains a growing threat. Written by experts who rank among the world's foremost Android security researchers, this book presents vulnerability discovery, analysis, and exploitation tools for the good guys. Following a detailed explanation of how the Android OS works and its overall security architecture, the authors examine how vulnerabilities can be discovered and exploits developed for various system components, preparing you to defend against them.


الأحد، 17 مايو 2015

Installing, Troubleshooting and Repairing Wireless Networks

Installing, Troubleshooting and Repairing Wireless Networks

Jim Aspinwall

 Worldwide sales of Wi-Fi equipment shot up 120% to $1.78 billion last year. An industry analyst estimates that sales will grow to $5.21 billion by 2005. While many people will experience wireless networking at home or at the office, someone will have to implement and maintain these systems. This book is for that person. In addition, the promise of “Internet everywhere” has become ubiquitous. Before that can really happen, the world needs knowledgeable people to build and support reliable infrastructures. Just how the Internet gets “everywhere” is what this book is all about. Consumers of the growing wireless market need to know as much about wireless as they did their PC hardware and software. This is the resource for them. 


WiFi Home Networking

WiFi Home Networking

Raymond J. Smith

Describes the costs, benefits and necessity of networking ·Reviews software networking tools that save money for small-time operators ·Summarizes business expenses and savings to help a prospective user choose their office setup ·Offers criteria for deciding on distribution media ·Compares wireless versus wired connections ·Includes important, practical information about security, viruses, and backing up  


A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery

A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery

Dane Cameron

HTML5 web applications are now capable of matching or exceeding the scale and sophistication of desktop applications, but with the unique advantage of running natively inside the web browsers on billions of desktop computers, phones, TVs and tablets.



How I Discovered World

How I Discovered World War II's Greatest Spy and Other Stories of Intelligence and Code 
 كيف اكتشف أعظم جاسوس الحرب العالمية الثانية، وقصص أخرى من الاستخبارات والقانون

David Kahn
Spies, secret messages, and military intelligence have fascinated readers for centuries but never more than today, when terrorists threaten America and society depends so heavily on communications. Much of what was known about communications intelligence came first from David Kahn's pathbreaking book, The Codebreakers. Kahn, considered the dean of intelligence historians, is also the author of Hitler’s Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II and Seizing the Enigma: The Race to Break the German U-Boat Codes, 1939-1943, among other books and articles.


YouTube Channels for Dummies

YouTube Channels for Dummies
 قنوات يوتيوب للدمى

Rob Ciampa, Theresa Moore
 Spies, secret messages, and military intelligence have fascinated readers for centuries but never more than today, when terrorists threaten America and society depends so heavily on communications. Much of what was known about communications intelligence came first from David Kahn's pathbreaking book, The Codebreakers. Kahn, considered the dean of intelligence historians, is also the author of Hitler’s Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II and Seizing the Enigma: The Race to Break the German U-Boat Codes, 1939-1943, among other books and articles.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Mirrors for the Mind

 الذكاء الاصطناعي
المرايا العقل

Harry Henderson

 In the 1950s, a new field, cognitive psychology, emerged as a dialogue between the growing capabilities of digital computers and the study of human cognition and perception. Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers began to develop models of perception, reasoning, knowledge organization, and natural language communication. They also created neural networks, expert systems, and other software with practical applications. AI models in turn have offered provocative insights into the human mind; now, new developments in virtual community and cyberspace point toward a future in which human and computer minds will interact in increasingly complex ways. Ultimately, AI research compels us to ask what it is that makes us human. "Artificial Intelligence" presents dynamic new portraits of the men and women in the vanguard of this innovative field. Subjects include Alan Turing, who made the connection between mathematical reasoning and computer operations; Alan Newell and Herbert Simon, who created a program that could reason like a human being; Pattie Maes, who developed computerized agents to help people with research and shopping; and Ray Kurzweil, who, besides inventing the flatbed scanner and a reading machine for the blind, has explored relationships between people and computers that may exceed human intelligence. 


Thinking Ahead

Thinking Ahead

Essays on Big Data, Digital Revolution and Participatory Market Society
 التفكير في المستقبل
مقالات عن البيانات الكبيرة، الثورة الرقمية والتشاركية مجتمع السوق
Dirk Helbing
 The rapidly progressing digital revolution is now touching the foundations of the governance of societal structures. Humans are on the verge of evolving from consumers to prosumers, and old, entrenched theories – in particular sociological and economic ones – are falling prey to these rapid developments. The original assumptions on which they are based are being questioned. Each year we produce as much data as in the entire human history - can we possibly create a global crystal ball to predict our future and to optimally govern our world? Do we need wide-scale surveillance to understand and manage the increasingly complex systems we are constructing, or would bottom-up approaches such as self-regulating systems be a better solution to creating a more innovative, more successful, more resilient, and ultimately happier society? Working at the interface of complexity theory, quantitative sociology and Big Data-driven risk and knowledge management, the author advocates the establishment of new participatory systems in our digital society to enhance coordination, reduce conflict and, above all, reduce the “tragedies of the commons,” resulting from the methods now used in political, economic and management decision-making.



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