الجمعة، 29 مايو 2015

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood 
 Helen S. Holgate 
social policy and welfare reforms in the UK and US
issues for young fathers
child sex abuse
girls with emotional and behavioural difficulties.


الأربعاء، 27 مايو 2015

How to Earn 10k a Month Online with Affiliate Marketing.

How to Earn 10k a Month Online with Affiliate Marketing.
  • Discover hidden resources and tools that are worth thousands of dollars. 
  • Learn how to overcome internal blockages that are keeping you from online success.
  • How to eliminate the fears that may be stopping you from being great and earning online.
    Free download

Reframing Failure

Reframing Failure

is a collection of 23 lessons that will help you see "failures" under a new light. And encourage you to give it another chance. Author: Gonzalo Arzuaga.


 Free download




Sex, God and Marriage

Sex, God and Marriage

Johann Christoph Arnold 

Unlike the vast majority of "marriage books", "Sex, God, and Marriage" digs deeper than the usual "issues" and goes to the root: our relationship with God, and the defining power of that relationship over all others in our lives. Arnold addresses the deep pain resulting from the cycle of broken relationships and the misuse of sexual intimacy. His words offer healing, a new beginning, and a sense of hope to those who have experienced discouragement or failure. Includes chapters on sex, alternatives to dating, parenthood, singleness, homosexuality, abortion, divorce and remarriage. The book also carries a foreword by Mother Teresa and was formerly titled "A Plea for Purity".  


The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages 

 Gary D. Chapman 

 Falling in love is easy. Staying in love-that's the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands and conflicts and just plain boredom of everyday life?
In the #1 New York Times bestselling book The 5 Love Languages, you'll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman's proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner-starting today.



Secrets of Better Sex

Secrets of Better Sex

Joel D. Block 

Organized in a convenient A-to-Z format, Secrets of Better Sex gives concise prescriptions for solving problems and improving the quality of your lovemaking: how to increase and sustain arousal, enjoy longer orgasms, talk to your partner about sensitive issues, and much more. Discover thirteen attitudes for Super Sex; five tips for overcoming performance anxiety, whether you're a man or a woman; twelve entertaining fantasies to spice up a too-routine sex life (sexy and fun at any time of the day); and advice for keeping the sexual fires burning after menopause, surgery, or through chronic illness. Learn the latest information on such topics as sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex, impotence, and more... an erotic calendar of events for every month of the year... lists of sources of imaginative erotica... and a revealing look at sexual techniques from other cultures.  


Get Inside Her, The Female Perspective

Get Inside Her, The Female Perspective

Dirty Secrets From A Woman On How to Attrack, Seduce and Get Any Female You Want

Marni Kinrys, Andrea Emmes 

50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality

  50 أساطير العظمى من النشاط الجنسي البشري

   50 أساطير العظمى من النشاط الجنسي البشري يسعى لتبديد الخرافات وسوء الفهم المتعارف المحيطة النشاط الجنسي البشري، وتوفير الكتاب المنير، رائعة ومليئة بالتحديات التي تغطي مجالات خمسين يجب على الأفراد المؤلف الصورة نعتقد يفهم أن يكون آمنة، ممتعة وصحية على الحياة الجنسية. * يبدد / يستكشف الأساطير المقبولة عموما وسوء الفهم المحيطة النشاط الجنسي البشري * تشمل المقارنات للبلدان وثقافات أخرى استكشاف معتقدات مختلفة، وكيف يمكن أن تؤثر في المجتمعات التصورات * المناطق ناقش ما يلي: قبل الزواج الجنس، الاستمناء، والأمراض الجنسية، والخيال، والمواد الإباحية، والعلاقات، وسائل منع الحمل، والعواطف مثل الغيرة، وانعدام الأمن هيئة صورة، حب عاطفي والاعتداء الجنسي * يغطي كلا العلاقات الجنسية الغيرية والمثليين

 50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality 

Pepper Schwartz 

50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality seeks to dispel commonly accepted myths and misunderstandings surrounding human sexuality, providing an enlightening, fascinating and challenging book that covers the fifty areas the author s believe individuals must understand to have a safe, pleasurable and healthy sex life. * Dispels/Explores commonly accepted myths and misunderstandings surrounding human sexuality * Includes comparisons to other countries and cultures exploring different beliefs and how societies can influence perceptions * Areas discussed include: pre-marital sex, masturbation, sexual diseases, fantasy, pornography, relationships, contraception, and emotions such as jealousy, body image insecurity, passionate love and sexual aggression * Covers both heterosexual and same-sex relationships  



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