الجمعة، 22 مايو 2015

Why Girls Talk - and What They're Really Saying

Why Girls Talk - and What They're Really Saying 

 Susan Morris Shaffer, Linda Perlman Gordon 

Helps parents cut through the drama of teenage daughters and maintain positive emotional connections

Because adolescent girls tend to talk so much, parents often assume that girls are easier to communicate with than boys. In reality, much of what teenage girls say is the opposite of a healthy expression of emotion--often taking the form of fighting, brooding hostility, or, at times, overinvolvement. While recent bestsellers such as Queen Bees and Odd Girl Out explore the social and psychological pressures that inform teenage girls' behavior, they provide little or no guidance on how to manage the communication problems that develop between parents and their daughters.


Unravelling Tort and Crime

Unravelling Tort and Crime 

Matthew Dyson  

Tort law and criminal law are closely bound together but their relationship rarely receives sustained and rigorous scrutiny. This is the first significant project in England and Wales to address that shortcoming. Building on growing interest amongst both academics and practitioners in the relationship between tort and crime, it draws together leading experts to chart the field and explore key points of interest. It uses a range of perspectives from legal theory, doctrine, legal history and comparative law to address some of the most important and interesting links between tort and crime. Examples include how the illegality defence operates to avoid stultification of the law, the difference between criminal and civil causation, how the Motor Insurers' Bureau not only insures but acts to enforce laws and alter behaviour, and why civil law only very rarely restores specific property but the criminal law does it daily. 


The Criminal Act

The Criminal Act 
 Martin A. Andresen, Graham Farrell 
 Marcus Felson has been a leader in crime theory and crime science, and his name has become synonymous with routine activity theory. This volume provides a rich collection of essays that honour the work of Marcus Felson, acknowledging his pioneering work whilst also making a substantive original contribution to the field.


الخميس، 21 مايو 2015

كتاب ديوان شعر دعبل بن علي الخزاعي

ديوان شعر دعبل بن علي الخزاعي


تأليف د. عبد الكريم الأشتر



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كتاب ديوان كلام جرايد

ديوان كلام جرايد



تأليف أحمد فؤاد نجم

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كتاب ديوان الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة

ديوان الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة


أحمد فؤاد نجم


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كتاب اليسار الفرويدى

كتاب اليسار الفرويدى


تأليف بول ا. روبنسون



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كتاب معنى الحياة

كتاب معنى الحياة


تأليف ألفريد إدلر


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