Functional Anatomy for Sport and Exercise
Clare Milner
Functional Anatomy for Sport and Exercise is a quick reference guide to
human musculoskeletal anatomy in its moving, active context.
An accessible format makes it easy for students to locate clear, concise explanations and descriptions of anatomical structures, human movement terms and key concepts. Covering all major anatomical areas, the book includes:
an A-to-Z guide to anatomical terms and concepts.
clear and detailed anatomical illustrations
cross-referenced entries throughout
highlighted key terms
‘hot topics’ discussed in more detail
full references and a list of suggested further reading.
An accessible format makes it easy for students to locate clear, concise explanations and descriptions of anatomical structures, human movement terms and key concepts. Covering all major anatomical areas, the book includes:
an A-to-Z guide to anatomical terms and concepts.
clear and detailed anatomical illustrations
cross-referenced entries throughout
highlighted key terms
‘hot topics’ discussed in more detail
full references and a list of suggested further reading.
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